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$2000 Blender Modeling and Light Animation PC + Peripherals



I’ve pushed my 2017 MacBook Pro to its limits and I’m looking to invest in a PC that can help me take modeling to the next level and allow me to dabble in animation.

I want to get in under $2k, including peripherals.

This is what I've built so far:

1. Is the AMD R7 3800X more processor than I need?
2. Is the 1660Ti enough? I wanted to do something like a 2070 or 3070 but they're either not available or too expensive.

I'm not a PC guy so I'm not keen on replacing parts in a year or two...

Many thanks!
Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ CGDirector
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
Reaction score
The build looks good. GPUs are price inflated almost everywhere and usually you should be able to get a 2060 super or 2070 for a good price, but right now it's not possible. You might want to wait a few more weeks and see if the situation gets better. If you plan on doing CUDA Rendering in Cycles, the better GPU with more CUDA cores would be worth it.

As for the CPU, the 3800X is great, though if you can get your hands on a 5800X that would be even better. Again, the AMD Ryzen 5xxx Series Stock is very low and you'll see price-inflation though.