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Anyone use, and can recommend, a KVM switch?



Tech Assistant
Oct 8, 2020
Reaction score
So, my physical workspace is a bit limited.

Currently, I own a 27inch iMac. I also have (and am required to use) a Mac Book pro for work (I work remotely at home).

So now I'm looking to buy/build a dedicated PC for rendering.

My _thought_ is: Replace the iMac with a Mac mini for my home needs (which are modest... and for normal stuff, I'm more of a Mac person than a PC... actually haven't owned a PC in over 20 years). Get a nice 32" content-quality monitor, wired keyboard, wired mouse (doesn't bug me)... and a 3 or 4 port KVM switch. Then, it's easy-peasy for me to work on my job computer, do my home stuff on the mini, and then switch to the render box for... well, rendering :) ) This will let me keep my workspace nice and uncluttered, but allow me to work on the machine that I need/want to work on...

Has anyone done a similar thing, and if so, any recommendations on the setup/device?
Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ CGDirector
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
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I am not too familiar with KVM switches unfortunately, but an option might be to actively work on your render machine and just remote into the mac when doing "home stuff" as long as it's just word processing and stuff that wouldn't be slowed down by minimal lag of the remote or vnc software.

That way you could save on some cables and just hook everything up to a network? Your other devices wouldn't even have to be in the same room.
Jerry James

Jerry James

Hardware Nerd @ CGDirector
Staff member
Jun 19, 2020
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Hey Andy, I have tried using a KVM switch in the past because I needed to switch between my desktop, laptop, and Mac Mini. But it didn't feel as convenient as I'd thought it would be, to be honest. I ended up using VNCviewer and remote desktop. It's so much easier just switching to another window on a single system. It saves a lot of money, allows you to place your systems pretty much anywhere you want, and is more convenient.


Tech Assistant
Oct 8, 2020
Reaction score
I am not too familiar with KVM switches unfortunately, but an option might be to actively work on your render machine and just remote into the mac when doing "home stuff" as long as it's just word processing and stuff that wouldn't be slowed down by minimal lag of the remote or vnc software.

That way you could save on some cables and just hook everything up to a network? Your other devices wouldn't even have to be in the same room.

Unfortunately, I do need at least a two-port KVM, as my work laptop is locked down, and I cannot remote into it (I work in a field that has high security requirements - so I have to do work on my laptop, and I can't remote into it).

But I like the idea of remoting from my big computer into the home Mac.

I was looking at the BenQ 42" UHD Monitor (PD3200U) - IPS panel, decent size, color, and resolution... and it has a built in 2-port KVM. I could use that to switch between my work laptop and my home render box... and then from my home render box, VNC/Apple Remote into my home Mac...
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