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Does my planned build work?



DISCLAIMER: im broke as fuuuuuu
I know I'm creating a last-generation pc, but at least it'll be better than the laptop I'm typing this on

I wanna build a pc! I'm not sure if it'll work though, it would be great if someone could "check my work"
motherboard - cpu - gpu - ram - hard drive - power supply - case - monitor - keyboard
notes: cpu has built in cooling
gpu is "gddr5", it's unclear to me whether that makes it incompatible with the ddr4-ram motherboard I have my eyes on
I'm willing to take suggestions for different components, but keep in mind that absolute cost is more important than relative value for me (see above disclaimer)
I have no idea what makes one power supply better than another
The "about this item" section of the case overwhelmed me, I'm not 100% sure the stuff will fit in it
I already have a trackpad and wireless mouse, I don't need new ones

I will be eternally grateful to anyone who can confirm that this will or won't work, but be quick! My laptop's warranty expired three days ago, and it is now slowly degrading so that I'll have to buy a new one. If this computer never turns on again, tell the OS it still has to uninstall microsoft office click-to-run (sxs)...


DISCLAIMER: im broke as fuuuuuu
I know I'm creating a last-generation pc, but at least it'll be better than the laptop I'm typing this on

I wanna build a pc! I'm not sure if it'll work though, it would be great if someone could "check my work"
motherboard - cpu - gpu - ram - hard drive - power supply - case - monitor - keyboard
notes: cpu has built in cooling
gpu is "gddr5", it's unclear to me whether that makes it incompatible with the ddr4-ram motherboard I have my eyes on
I'm willing to take suggestions for different components, but keep in mind that absolute cost is more important than relative value for me (see above disclaimer)
I have no idea what makes one power supply better than another
The "about this item" section of the case overwhelmed me, I'm not 100% sure the stuff will fit in it
I already have a trackpad and wireless mouse, I don't need new ones

I will be eternally grateful to anyone who can confirm that this will or won't work, but be quick! My laptop's warranty expired three days ago, and it is now slowly degrading so that I'll have to buy a new one. If this computer never turns on again, tell the OS it still has to uninstall microsoft office click-to-run (sxs)...
wait I forgot to add links I'm so dumb
how do you delete posts
Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ CGDirector
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
Reaction score
The parts look compatible to me, yes. I am not sure if you need that additional GPU, as the iGPU in the CPU is probably just about as fast as the GPU.