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Need a PC but I’m clueless!



I’m an illustrator and primary school teacher who’s 2016 MacBook Pro has recently decided to completely crash on me. I’ve decided that laptops aren’t for me anymore as they tend to be quite unreliable and I find it hard to run Adobe programmes like photoshop, as well as really struggling to run some games I like to play (the sims). So, I need to invest in a pc and use my iPad for when I’m out and about, but I’m absolutely clueless about where to start!

I basically want a computer which I can run Adobe software on, basic work programmes like word/ google drive, and can run games reasonably well (games like the sims and the new Harry Potter game due out next year!). Any advice would be amazing as as you can probably tell I’m clueless!

ideally I wouldn’t want to build a pc as I’d obviously have no clue where to start, so if anyone could recommend any prebuilt towers that would be ideal!
My budget is max £1200 but ideally lower than £1000 if I can!
Thank you! :)