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What Version of Cinema 4D are you using and why?

Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ CGDirector
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
Reaction score
I have a bunch of Cinema 4D Versions installed in parallel on my PC and this is kind of how part of my taskbar looks like:

cinema 4d taskbar.jpg

Currently I am actively using C4D R18, R20, and R21.

The main reason being that there are some older projects my clients keep needing new renders from, and some of the setup and plugins just don't render exactly the same across different versions. Some R18 Files openend in R21 screw up my Clone Objects (clones are 1000 times bigger .. .whats up with that?) and sometimes I just don't have all plugins that I use set up in all of my versions (yet)

What's your experience in using Cinema 4D? Are you using just one version or multiple? Why?