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What would be the best option and what exactly is needed?



Hi Alex! Thanks so much for all this info you definitely helped me and others understand everything a lot easier! Ok, So I am a beginner 3D Artist. I will be using softwares such as Cinema 4D , Blender, Redshift and After effects. Im looking to use a pc for active work and rendering. I seen that in a previous comment on one of your articles you stated that it would be best to get two PC’s , one just for rendering and one for active work and I was wondering if you could please put a link below or let me know what pc to get for rendering and which one for actively working? I also would like to know if 1 or 2 monitors would be best? You also stated that you can also switch to a GPU renderer and just Get 2 GPUs and a high clocking cpu.. either way can you please let me know which one is best and a list of exactly I would need. I am so sorry if I am being a bother. Please let me know if you have any other suggestions! Thank you so much!


Sorry , I won't be using after effects I will just be 3D Rendering. As I have seen in one of your articles that After effects is much less powerful now.
Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ CGDirector
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
Reaction score
We have some in-depth articles that should answer all your questions and have some PC build recommendations in different price tiers at the end of the article.

Give these a read and if you still have any questions after, feel free to let us know here.
