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B550 boards



Long time lurker here! The forum was a great idea by the way. Love it.

I have been looking to buy a B550 motherboard for a work from home pc and there's been no post about it yet. Is there one coming soon? Could I get a few recommendations either way please?
My work is mostly within Photoshop and After Effects. I wanted to build a PC with the 3900X. Would the high end B550 be an okay choice? I'm considering the B550 Aorus Master. I have always used laptops so this will be the first time I'll be venturing into building my own thing.
Jerry James

Jerry James

Hardware Nerd @ CGDirector
Staff member
Jun 19, 2020
Reaction score
Hey Blair,

I'm glad you joined us here!

Yes, a B550 post is coming soon. Taking me a bit longer than expected due to their complicated price points. Stay tuned :)

Meanwhile, I'd just steer away from the very high-end B550 motherboards completely. It'd be better to look into X570 motherboards at that price point. For most production and creation workloads, having access to those additional PCI-E lanes is pretty helpful - especially when you're thinking about it from a future-proofing standpoint.

If you're shopping in the mid-range, take a look at grabbing the MSI B550 Gaming Pro Carbon, MSI B550 Aorus Pro AC, or the ASRock B550 Steel Legend.