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PC for video editing - Vegas Pro



Hi, I'm gonna to change my platform for home video editing on a budget site. Movies I make are only for my home use, mostly from holidays etc.
I need guideance with choosing platform.
For now I'm interested in:
Intel i5-10600K/KF
AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT
They're at comparable prices.

As a last resort I consider:
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
Intel i7-10700F

RAM it'll be 2x16GB
The GPU is here already and it is RTX 2060.

Witch CPU should I choose for better performance with video editing with Vegas Pro?
Using Gopro Hero 8 cam
Please, give me advise for cheaper and more expensive options from above. Or if there is some other options that I don't realize, enlight me please.

Thank you in advance
Stay in health 😉


My combo is 3900X + RTX2060 + 32GB RAM
my suggestion is that you can start with 3600 or 3600x or 3600xt with B550 motherboard, those CPUs are no much different in daily using. my reason is if you are decided to pursue video editing for living in next two years, you can upgrade CPU to 5000 series or even 6000 series without replace B550 motherboard.

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