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planning on buy an 3090, worth it in my case?



Hi guys,
I have an old computer that is showing their age ( i7 6900k, 64gb, 1080, x99deluxeII,rm850i) and was thinking to update some parts to work more efficient.
I´m mainly an organic modeler but I like to make my own cinematic character renders, with all the fancy stuff, 8k,udims..etc and rendering with Arnold CPU is taking ages, so I was thinking to update my graphic card to an rtx3090 to help me at least with the look dev and render with GPU on Arnold, I´m not trying to render everything with GPU at the moment and I would prefer a new workstation built with a threadripper or any future Intel cpu, but is a huge cost for me right now.

I heard some people that doesn´t recommend the an 3090 and prefer better 2x rtx 3080, but I´m lost here. What do you think would be better for my case? Can I have two cards on my setup, do we need in both cases a new power supply?

Alex Glawion

Alex Glawion

CG Hardware Specialist @ CGDirector
Staff member
Jun 12, 2020
Reaction score
The higher-end you go the more the returns diminish. While a 3090 is crazy powerful, if you don't need the 24GB of VRAM, buying two lower tier GPUs (such as 2x 3080) will most likely render your frames faster at similar or lower price.

You should consider a 1000W PSU at least for a 3090 or 2x 3080.